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Kingdom Harvest Ministries  

Establishing God's Kingdom on Earth 

Kingdom Harvest Ministries

Mission Statement

  •  Visionary Advancement Strategies Mission Statement
  • Our Purpose
  • Our Vision
  • Our Methods
  • Application of our Mission
  • Our Standards



Visionary Advancement Strategies Mission Statement

"To expand the kingdom of God through the exhortation, counsel, and training of business and ministry leaders. To impart and equip them towards Christlikeness, bringing impact and effectiveness to their lives and personal ministries."

  • Connecting Kingdom Ministries & Businesses to transform individuals, families, & nations for Christ.
  • Communicate His message through the diverse expressions of His people.
  • Build up and encourage the Body of Christ to live in the full revelation and authority of Christ.

    Our Purpose


·         To become more and more conformed into the image of Christ in every area of our life!

·         To advance the kingdom of God ON EARTH as it is in heaven

·         To expose and expound a biblical worldview in every jurisdiction.

·         To facilitate discipleship and the priest and kingly ministries of every believer

·         To diminish dualism as we promote the revelation of the ministry of each believer and abolish the gap of the perceived idea of clergy and laity in a godly order.

·      To restore the foundations of the early church in power, simplicity, and relationship, in application through the leading of the Holy Spirit beginning in the family and extending outward.



Our Vision


To be a part of winning as many people as we can to eternal life through Jesus and believe they will be trained towards the most Christlike lives as possible. To live such an empowered life led by the Spirit of God, that it would make people desire to have what we have. To live passionately in love, character and boldness as we fulfill our purposes in Christ. To practically live out each day to influence and bring God's presence into every phase and jurisdictions in life.


Our Methods

We are now in direct communication with many countries on a weekly basis; we are sending resources to leaders and imparting relevant and practical kingdom concepts to advance the kingdom in their nations. We are working with marketplace leaders in multiple jurisdictions. These are some of our desires and goals.

§         We desire to encourage and activate into kingdom mobility all that the Lord would send us. 


§         We continue to present to others that anything and everything we do is in and through Jesus Christ, as the Holy Spirit guides us.


§         We want to continue to present the king and priestly functions of all believers and the ministry of every believer.


§         We will be working with marketplace leaders to teach them to be aware of their ministry to the Lord, their family and the marketplace.


§         We want to be an encouragement to the ecclesiastically called ministries. With the emerging apostolic church in formation, they need prayer and support as the Lord brings forth His church into kingdom reality.


§         We are always in the prayerful process of uniting churches, ministries, home fellowships and prayer networks to further the Fathers desire for the body of Christ to be as one within our cultural, denominational and multiple differences.


§         We are witnessing and in communication of many communities across the globe that are in the transformation process by the presence of almighty God in many jurisdictions of their society.


§         We are praying for our land as well, and how God’s people in our home communities can usher in His presence. We want His presence to encompass every individual and family, and into many sectors of our society. We need His daily sustenance, strategy and authority to break the strongholds on the land and set His people free.


§         We are believing God through His courageous servants, to infiltrate and lead others in these areas of society:

1.      Churches

2.      Government

3.      Education

4.      Media/Entertainment,

5.      Legal

6.      HealthCare

7.      Business/Finance

8.      Environment


§         We need to continue to bring the church to every area in our community, beyond the four walls of our churches. We will then begin to see pockets of fellowship and prayer in each of these sectors and even in our public schools, all by the grace of God as we are obedient to advance His kingdom.


§         We desire to see many come to Jesus Christ because of prophetic evangelism and relationships that go beyond churchianity. We will seek to love every one where they are at, and lead them through relationships towards where they need to be which is in Christ  Jesus.


§         Develop and utilize available curriculum for training centers in many communities and many nations.


§         Help bring strategic resources and implementation processes to resource rich countries to enable them to steward the resources for economic growth.


§         Develop and work with those that desire to raise up and teach the next generation go even further then where we are able to go.

Other Applications of our Mission:

Reconciliation in the Body of Christ. In John 17 Jesus prayed that those whom God had given to be His own would enjoy the same unity as the Father, Son and Spirit, and that from this position of binding love and fellowship we can fully expect that the world will believe. Oneness in the Body of Christ is being wonderfully attained as denominational leaders throughout the world come together, racial barriers of prejudice and suspicion fall, city leaders pray together, churches humble themselves and families find healing in the loving lordship of Jesus.

2. The practical revelation of the power and love of Jesus. Luke 4 promises that the revelation of Jesus will bring anointing for preaching the gospel to the poor, freedom for the oppressed, physical healing and encouragement for the troubled. As ambassadors of Christ, we are vessels from which His love and power can freely flow to a church and world in desperate need.

3. CHURCH BEYOND THE WALLS! Truly fulfilling Matthew 28:18-20, the commission of our Lord, to make DISCIPLES of all people. We fulfill this as we raise up leaders around us who go out beyond the walls of the Church and WIN the lost, ESTABLISH them in the faith, DISCIPLE them in THE WAY and RELEASE them to do likewise!

4. Marketplace ministry abounding as the anointed of the Lord go into the market place in their jobs and be ready to impart to those the Lord reveals. Encourage the brethren towards living as kings and priests in every phase of their life. We want to infuse business, law, and finance with kingdom principles. We want to influence many cultures that are open towards doing business God's way and watching what God will do as they function in kingdom dynamics to glorify the Father.

5. Purposeful global missions according to Christ's final admonition (Matt 28:19). We seek to advance God's Kingdom throughout the world through prayer, finance and practical involvement. Our goal is attention to His direction, both to go personally and to liberally support established ministries and indigenous works. To support practically in the area's of healthcare, education and economics. 

6. We desire to support and build key relationships with the Native Americans,
First Nation people by applicable efforts to promote health and true economic gain for the people and their land and for them to see the Jesus Christ in those that are called to serve them.

7. We are working alongside the Liberty Health Group to expose the false scale in healthcare. To provide solutions that will set the captives free in healthcare for consumers, healthcare practitioners and for businesses to provide affordable health benefits for their employees. God has opened many doors with many more to open and we give Him all the glory as we seek to transform healthcare in America.

8. We will reveal Christ's authority in intercessory prayer, spiritual warfare, and obedience to His Word. Opportunities for the practical application of submission to the Father and the principles of His Kingdom in response to life situations are provided through corporate teaching and ministry, House2House leadership training, Marketplace evangelization and strategic partnering to advance the kingdom of our God.

Our Mission is seeking to attain the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ (Ephesians 4:14). Our aim is to develop fully devoted followers of Christ by helping people move into Christ-likeness in every area of their lives.

Our Standards

Doctrinally, we adhere to the inerrancy of the Scriptures in their totality. The following three standards are those we believe God has set as pillars for this particular body -- pillars that have proven themselves a firm foundation for our vision and lives:

1. Devotion to the words of Christ. We believe God is calling the church to be disciples of Jesus Christ and that our level of commitment should at least equal that to which He called His first century disciples (Matt 28:20). With the Old Testament eagerly looking forward to Messiah's coming and the New Testament reflecting from His coming, we esteem the literal words of Christ as the clearest revelation of Himself.

2. Humility. We believe the only way we can be conformed to Christ is by receiving the grace that leads to repentance and lavish transformation in all areas of life that are not Christ-like. We need His grace to change and acknowledge that God is opposed to the proud but gives grace to the humble (James 4:6). Considering the selfish nature of our human hearts, embracing the meekness of Christ is the only safeguard against our souls' innate tendency to self-promotion, ambition and pride.

3. Faithfulness in prayer. There is power in a life sustained by and built upon a foundation of prayer. We encourage one another to be faithful in personal and corporate prayer, and offer daily prayer meetings at River of Life throughout the week, to which all are welcome. Our 24-hour prayer room is always open. (Ask for the combination. Women are asked to pray in pairs after dark for reasons of safety.) All who hold ministry positions are committed to at least one corporate prayer meeting per week, apart from their personal life of devotion.